Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Homework for Tuesday 28th November

Social Studies Project on Mesopotamia: Sumerian Inventions 

Today grade 5 went to the computer lab to learn how to do research for their social studies project on the Sumerian Inventions. They are to make a poster on the theme and can be as creative as they want (creativity is a bonus). They will present their posters on Tuesday 28th of November, and will have to explain the 5 inventions, choose their favourite one and explain why. Bonus to those who want to also present an extra invention, as Sumerians invented many things. 

5 Inventions all students will have to present: 
  1. Agriculture/Irrigation: Keywords for research are levees, gated ditches, canals, floods
  2. Wheel: Keywords for research are pottery wheel and carts 
  3. Writing: Keywords for research are clay tablets, stylus and cuneiform 
  4. Calendar: Keywords for research are Zodiac, time and star chart
  5. Plow: Keywords for research are seeder and oxen
I will be posting some websites for students to read information on each invention tomorrow, in the meantime please make sure each student tries to apply what we learned in the computer lab today and researches on his own, the different inventions. 

Looking forward to seeing the great Sumerian Inventions as presented by grade 5. The best poster of each class will be proudly hung on the class wall and the top 3 will receive a small prize! 

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