Wednesday, November 1, 2017

5 Themes of Geography Dice Project

Social Studies Grade 5 Project: 5 themes of Geography Dice

This will be a project that will count as a quiz grade. Every student will choose a country they will present in class on the 5 themes of geography for the selected country. No one can choose Egypt as will have covered Egypt in class. All students have seen the example dice in class on my country Mauritius. Please find pictures below.

The 5 themes of geography are:

1) Location: Where is the country?
  • Absolute Location: Coordinates of the Capital city and any other major cities of the country.
  • Relative Location : Location of the country in relation to the equator or the tropic of Cancer, or or the tropic of Capricorn. Where it is in relation of the seas or the oceans if applicable. What continent it is in?
2) Place: What is it like there? 
  • Human characteristics: What are the people like, what is their culture like? 
  • Physical characteristics: What are the different types of natural environments in the country?  
3) Region: What does it have in common with the countries in the region? 
  • Human/cultural characteristics that are similar with countries in the region.
  • Physical characteristics that are similar with countries in the region.
4) Human-environment interaction: How do they impact one another? 
  • Can be positive or negative impacts.
5) Movement: How are places connected? 
  • Tourism, trade and immigration in the country. 

5 Themes of geography: EGYPT 

5 Themes of geography: MAURITIUS

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